The Anti Corruption Institute

A world without corruption is possible. Imagine it and then let’s create it. The Anti Corruption Institute is your world partner in the fight against corruption. The ACI is a trusted leader in the learned approach to eradicating bribery and corruption from our lives. The founders of ACI have over one hundred years of experience between them in studying and in fighting corruption worldwide. The ACI has one single purpose. It is to know the causes of corruption in their roots and stem and to remove or to weaken them so as to prevent or minimize corruption. Our mission is not to catch corrupt persons in the act but to help create conditions that make corruption impossible or impractical. The ACI has a scientific vision and analytical lens of the efforts and tools that are necessary for discovering the facts, the relationships, the contexts, the environments, the expectations, the forces and the phenomena that facilitate and reward corrupt behaviour among men. AT ACI we focus less on the character of persons and more on the opportunities for corruption. The ACI is therefore, a learned scientific institute for the study of corruption in all its manifest, latent and potential phases.
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