
Enimil Ashon: Charlotte vrs Jean

Do you seem, over the last few months, unable to fight off a certain fear that violence is about to break out before this year’s elections and that the situation might degenerate into civil war after December 7? Without giving us a false sense of security or pretending to have received an assurance of eternal divine protection […]



Adib Saani: Providing armed guards to MPs not the solution

Following the gruesome killing of MP for Mfantseman, Hon. Ekow Quansah Hayford, the issue of providing armed police guards to MPs has yet again gained precedence. I find the call unscientific and not sustainable. Besides, it doesnt in anyway solve the wider issue of insecurity in the country. Infact, criminals are able to successfully target bullion vans[…]



Philip Kyeremanteng: Proposed solution to Accra perennial flooding

Most of African countries have suffered from flood incidents and it has destroyed most important infrastructures, impacting millions and killing people annually. It has been reported that flooding across Sub-Saharan Africa has destroyed more than 10,000 homes and affected more than two million people. On June 3, 2015, a flood in Accra followed by a filing statin[…]