The first two cases of Coronavirus infection were detected in Ghana about three months ago. In this short period, the impact of the pandemic on our health and well-being has been overwhelming, as evidenced by the number of cases of infection and deaths reported by the health authorities. The destructive effects of the pandemic on our health […]
AT the end of World War Two, the United Nations, established under Chapter XII of its Charter, the International Trusteeship System. The purpose of the UN Trusteeship System was to enable it to supervise the trust territories placed under it. By the provisions of the UN Charter, countries administering territories that were not yet independent, must seek[…]
I came across a writeup that was supposed to be an argument in court against the sitting Aw?mefia. I noticed that the lawyer for the plaintiff was one Captain Effah Dartey. I wasn’t very sure about the name so I decided to find more information about the dear lawyer who cares so much about putting things right[…]